Extraordinary Properties
Tortech’s unique Ultra long CNTs possess excellent Electrical, Thermal and mechanical properties
Tortech’s unique Ultra long CNTs possess excellent Electrical, Thermal and mechanical properties
Intrinsically safer than any type of CNTs, due to the extremely high aspect ratio of 1:100,000. Monitoring has confirmed that single carbon nanotubes are not released during manufacture or processing
Tortech’s unique Ultra long CNTs are suitable for various application in a variety of industries such as: Energy, electronics, aerospace. Automotive, water, etc…
Tortech is developing and industrializing a patented process for the manufacture of Ultra-Long Carbon Nano Tubes (ULCNTs) as non-woven mats and continues fibers for a wide range of commercial applications.
Our unique FCCVD (Floating Catalyst CVD) offers major advantages in regards to the CNT’s properties, quality, price and applicability for materials production processes.
Until now, the industry standard delivery for CNT has been in a powder form with a number of recognized drawbacks including agglomeration problems when used in resins, its tendency to be an airborne health hazard, as well as poor aspect ratio and properties.
To solve those issues Tortech has developed non-woven ULCNT mats and fibers. These offer major advantages that can improve performance, reduce life cycle costs while avoiding health and safety issues.
Tortech ULCNTs – Making the Most of CNTs Properties and Possibilities
Tortech Nano Fibers was founded in 2010 as a joint venture between Plasan Sasa Ltd (Israel) and Q-Flo Ltd (UK), a spin-out company from Cambridge University.
Tortech is developing and industrializing a patented process for the manufacture of ultra-long Non-Woven CNT mats for a wide range of commercial applications.
Hanassi Herzog St. Koren Industrial park
Ma'alot Tarshiha, 24952 ISRAEL
+972 54 2872406